Breast cancer is a life-threatening condition that affects millions of people globally. Even today, it remains a subject of continuous research and awareness. It is the most common type of cancer in women and accounts for 14% of cancers in Indian women. In this blog, a breast cancer specialist in Kolkata sheds light on some of the lesser-known aspects of breast cancer, thus empowering individuals in their understanding of the condition.

5 Lesser known facts about breast cancer 

1. Men Can Get Breast Cancer Too:

Breast cancer is generally associated with women, but it is crucial to recognise that men can also develop this disease as well. Although it is rare, breast cancer in men accounts for approximately 1% of all breast cancer cases. Unfortunately, due to the lack of awareness, men may not recognise the symptoms or seek medical attention promptly.

2. Breast cancer is not always recognised by a lump:

Breast cancer, in its earliest stages, does not have any symptoms. Moreover, when symptoms do appear, it is not always in the form of a lump. Be on the lookout for any of these signs:

● Redness and itching around your breast

● Discharge from your nipple

● Breast pain that lasts for more than three to four weeks might be a sign of concern.

● Swelling around your breast, collarbone or armpit.

3. Genetic Predisposition Plays a Significant Role:

While most breast cancer cases are sporadic, a hereditary component can significantly increase the risk. Individuals with a family history of breast cancer, especially those with a close relative diagnosed at an early age, may carry genetic mutations such as BRCA1 or BRCA2. Recognising this genetic predisposition allows for proactive measures, like genetic counselling and testing.

4. Breast Cancer is not just a single disease:

Breast cancer is a diverse group of diseases that has several subtypes that respond differently to treatment. A medical oncologist in Kolkata plays a pivotal role in identifying the specific characteristics of each case and devising personalised treatment plans.

5. Lifestyle Factors Influence Breast Cancer Risk:

Beyond genetics, lifestyle factors can significantly impact the risk of developing breast cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, limited alcohol consumption, and a balanced diet are all associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.  According to a renowned breast cancer specialist in Kolkata, awareness, early detection, and personalised treatment strategies are the key to dispelling myths related to this deadly condition.