Endometrial cancer, a malignancy originating in the lining of the uterus known as the endometrium, demands awareness for its early identification and treatment. Dr. Tanmoy Mandal, a distinguished gynecologic cancer specialist based in Kolkata, underscores the significance of recognizing the signs and symptoms of this condition. By understanding these indicators, individuals can seek timely medical intervention, potentially improving their prognosis and quality of life.

Understanding Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer arises when cells within the endometrium undergo abnormal growth, forming a tumour. It stands as the most prevalent type of uterine cancer, predominantly affecting postmenopausal women, albeit occurrences among younger demographics are not unheard of. The condition’s development often stems from various risk factors, including hormonal imbalances, obesity, diabetes, and familial predispositions.

Signs and Symptoms

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

An unmistakable sign of endometrial cancer, abnormal vaginal bleeding manifests as intermenstrual bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding or unusually heavy or prolonged menstrual periods. Any deviation from one’s typical bleeding pattern warrants prompt medical evaluation. It’s essential to note that vaginal bleeding may also stem from benign causes, but a thorough assessment is necessary to rule out underlying malignancies.

Pelvic Pain or Pressure

Endometrial cancer may instigate pelvic discomfort or pressure, characterized by persistent or intermittent sensations of cramping or heaviness in the lower abdominal or pelvic region. While pelvic pain can arise due to various conditions, persistent or worsening discomfort should prompt medical investigation to exclude the possibility of underlying malignancies.

Painful Urination or Urinary Changes

Some individuals with endometrial cancer may experience pain or discomfort during urination, accompanied by alterations in urinary habits such as increased frequency or urgency. These symptoms may occur due to the tumour’s proximity to the bladder or urethra, causing pressure or obstruction. Prompt evaluation is crucial to determine the cause and initiate appropriate management.

Unintentional Weight Loss

Endometrial cancer can lead to unexplained weight loss, independent of dietary or physical activity changes, often accompanied by other symptoms. Weight loss may occur due to cancer-induced metabolic changes or reduced appetite and nutrient absorption. Persistent weight loss should prompt medical evaluation to exclude underlying malignancies and initiate appropriate interventions.


Endometrial cancer may induce fatigue or a persistent sense of tiredness, even after rest periods, adversely impacting daily functioning. Fatigue can result from various factors, including anaemia, metabolic changes, and psychological distress. At the same time, fatigue is a common symptom in many conditions; persistent or debilitating fatigue warrants medical assessment to identify underlying causes and implement appropriate management strategies.

Timely detection of endometrial cancer is paramount for optimal treatment outcomes. Individuals experiencing suggestive signs or symptoms should consult a specialized gynecologic cancer specialist based in Kolkata, like Dr. Tanmoy Mandal, for comprehensive evaluation and management. With expert care and timely intervention, endometrial cancer can be effectively addressed, offering patients hope for a favourable prognosis and enhanced quality of life.